Um is it just me or were simon and vikk being pricks. They knifed them like 30 times instead of just finishing and then simon was going on about how vikk deserves to win then he snaked him at the end.
I know this is an old video but why is it every time josh or Ethan team up its fuck them but as soon as simon or vik does they all have to jump on the bandwagon so fucking annoying
they go around stabbing but when fight back they say its disgusting like bruh you keep putting them back to guns and they get tired of it make a plan and it start working you disagree with it sorry I no this is just a game that really pissed me off
VIK IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH OF A DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex Milligan
15.06.2022Josh honestly you guys should do the infected game mode on one of the call of duty games it would be so funny
kieran fisher
Waseem Ismail
14.06.2022Vik, you have to camp because you have a sniper. Lol what a bitch
14.06.2022mike myers again please also the thumbnail shows skate and i was like wait what xD
Wayne King
14.06.2022Play online
14.06.2022Simons a fucking snake. And a fucking sweat.
Charlie Swarbrick
14.06.2022please do transit zombies
14.06.2022Vik is just a prick
14.06.2022As someone else said H1Z1 battle royale with the sidemen
Danny Morgan
14.06.2022What happened to this fanbase. It's just atrocious nowadays…
Antonio Fassoli
14.06.2022vikk's into is so bad lol
Tyrone Nikon
12.06.2022one setback is on gun back of its not funny change the rules to the normal settings vikstar is probably host
John Heraty
12.06.2022Um is it just me or were simon and vikk being pricks. They knifed them like 30 times instead of just finishing and then simon was going on about how vikk deserves to win then he snaked him at the end.
Elliot Stockford
12.06.2022Josh did really use to play with alia on bo2
Jacob Mulder
12.06.2022orka can you guys do an black ops 2 alcatraz escape. With vik pls.
12.06.2022KSG = Life <3 <3
Terence Fane
12.06.2022Josh you are amazing
Terence Fane
12.06.2022Please play more cod
12.06.2022"Finally, guns I could use"
He gets knifed
Chloe George
12.06.2022you SUK I'm FaZe
12.06.2022People who actually are good at cod can use the ksg
Kris Anderson
09.06.2022I know this is an old video but why is it every time josh or Ethan team up its fuck them but as soon as simon or vik does they all have to jump on the bandwagon so fucking annoying
09.06.2022they go around stabbing but when fight back they say its disgusting like bruh you keep putting them back to guns and they get tired of it make a plan and it start working you disagree with it sorry I no this is just a game that really pissed me off
King Kenny
09.06.2022It's funny that he used to be a CoD YouTuber.
09.06.2022I'm sorry josh but you suck so much at gun game
Mohi Te Whata
09.06.2022Typical. Simon snakes the win
09.06.2022Josh was on 30 when Ethan helped him so he was last
David Carroll
09.06.202210000000000000000000000 0000000000000
Angus Moore
09.06.2022Imo Sometimes I reckon Vikk should be out of the sidemen
Odd Chap
09.06.2022Suck on those toes…. wow
Kyle Mastrangelo
09.06.2022Vikk talks shit the whole video and ruins it
Zerk, behz, Simon and Jid should be the only ones on the video
Araceli Garcia
08.06.2022ja……. noob
Mike Shaw
08.06.2022VIK IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH OF A DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boon bap
08.06.2022Joshs hand eye coordination is slow as.
08.06.2022Benz's math 2 setbacks = 6 guns
Josh Gill
08.06.2022This was horrible to watch
Do a Flip
08.06.2022Why am I watching this when your so fucking shit
08.06.2022Vikk just isn't funny
Derek K
08.06.2022This is why I hate Vikk and Simon
Linda Oakes
08.06.2022If that happened to me I'd just fucking come into vikk's and simon's room and smash their faces in
08.06.2022Simons so bad lol
07.06.2022Behz can't count, 2 gun setback + 2 setbacks = 4 not 6
07.06.2022Shit way to finish, awful kill
Sean H
07.06.2022i fuckimg hate vikk
did you see my jams
07.06.2022Ngl I thought the title said our little tic tac
07.06.2022who watching in 2017
Joseph Waring
07.06.2022bez can't count if he went back 6 guns but was only knifed twice he should have only gone down 4 guns
07.06.2022ethan voice cracks over 5 times in this video lol
Julius Zondag
07.06.2022Behz and Josh are such a chill team
Ell _
07.06.2022josh is always the saltiest guy in this